However, since the search form in this case submits data using the GET method, the current URL will usually contain a list of additional search parameters. 但是,由于这个示例中的搜索表单使用GET方法提交数据,当前URL通常会包含一列其他搜索参数。
List/ Search Page: The title that is added to the JSP representing the list view of the class. 列表/搜索页:加到JSP上的标题代表类的列表视图。
Groovy mailing list: Browse, search, or subscribe to the Groovy mailing list. Groovy邮件列表:浏览、搜索或订阅Groovy邮件列表。
Resource collections are used to define new resources and to list or search existing resources. 资源集合用于定义新的资源并列出或搜索现有资源。
Screen capture of a list of search results for'england ', retrieved from Flickr through YQL 通过YQL从Flickr检索“england”的搜索结果列表的屏幕截图
This task is easily accomplished with the same query described on the previous pages, except that in this case, you want to list search results instead of category members. 可利用前页所描述的查询来轻松完成此任务,除非在本例中,想要列出搜索结果而不是类目成员。
A common scenario for lazy loading happens when an application returns and displays a list of search results, one of which the user clicks to see the original document stored in the index. 懒散加载的一个常见场景大都发生在应用程序返回和显示一系列搜索结果的时候,用户常常会单击其中的一个来查看存储在此索引中的原始文档。
A list of search engines would be useful for newbies like me. 一系列搜索引擎的清单将有助于像我这样的新手。
We have now finished building a basic to-do list application including search functionality, ready to be deployed. 现在我们已经完成了包含搜索功能的基本to-do列表应用程序的构建工作,接下来可以部署了。
List to search for reports by name, by description, or by both name and description. 列表按名称、说明或名称和说明这两者搜索报表。
The Web site uses a pair of drop-down menus to sort a list of search results by date. 这个网站使用成对的下拉菜单,根据时间对搜索结果进行排序。
Similar to other search engines, Google, Mountain View, Calif., uses such a list to flag search results that could harm a user's computer. 同其它搜索引擎一样,谷歌也使用这样的清单标注可能对用户电脑有害的搜索结果。
List directories to search for metadata references. ( Semicolon delimited.) 列出用于搜索元数据引用的目录。(以分号分隔。)
That indicates the virtual list view search response. 指示虚拟列表视图搜索响应。
A virtual list view search enables users to view search results as address-book style virtual list views. 虚拟列表视图搜索允许用户以通讯簿样式的虚拟列表视图效果查看搜索结果。
Google, which publishes its zeitgeist list of top search queries, redacts sex-related terms from the rankings for fear of causing offence. 谷歌公司在发布时代精神搜索查询榜单时为免触法,从中剔除了与性有关的语汇。
Many Productivity Enhancers-such as Unit Test Explorer, To-do list and solution-wide search by name for any file member 许多生产力增强工具&例如单元测试浏览器(UnitTestExplorer)、To-do列表和按名查找Solution内部的任意文件成员中的符号
To quickly print a list of your search results from the Find dialog box, press ctrl+ p. 要迅速打印“查找”对话框中的搜索结果列表,按下ctrl+p。
Providing common actions such as refreshing the collections list, clearing the search results, and processing queries. 提供公共操作,例如刷新集合列表、清除搜索结果和处理查询。
To place relevant records ( or links) at or near the top of the retrieved list, the search algorithm applies various ranking strategies. 搜寻引擎具备各种排行策略,以便把相关性高的连结优先排列在检索结果的前面。
When run, the list of search results updates while we type in our search query. 在运行的时候,当我们在搜索查询中输入内容时,搜索结果的列表就会更新。
Avoid creating so many address lists that users will not be sure in which list to search for recipients. 避免创建太多的地址列表,否则用户不能确定要搜索的收件人在哪个列表中。
The list of search results is displayed. 将显示搜索结果列表。
Front features a Q& A list, the latest list, search problems, questions, answers, etc. 前台功能有问答列表,最新列表,搜索问题,提问,回答等。
Select the desired folders and add them to the list of locations to search. 选择欲搜索的文件夹,并将它们添加到搜索位置列表中。
I added it so you can use pagination tags above the article list, but search result count should work also. 当你想要在文章列表开始之前显示搜寻结果计数标签或文章导览标签时使用。
However, such Internet resources as E-mail marketing, letter-chain ad., letter-chain of search engine result, cyber-photo ad., logging of search engine result and competing list of search engine are used by enterprises as the most common methods. 而E-mail营销、文字链广告、搜索引擎结果文字链、网络图片广告、搜索引擎结果登录、搜索引擎竞价排名等这些因特网资源作为最常用的方法也被企业所运用。
This article mainly implements following algorithms: two forks tree's graph processing algorithm, unordered list sequence search improved algorithm, the non-recursion established two forks tree and so on, and carries on the analysis to its algorithm. 本文主要实现了二叉树的图形处理算法、无序表顺序查找改进算法及非递归建立二叉树算法等,并对算法进行了分析。
In this paper, based on the determined move set and structured tabu list, tabu search technique is used to solve the bilevel decision making problem with integer variables in the upper level. 对上层变量为整数型的两层决策问题,在确定移动集、构造禁忌表的基础上,提出了禁忌搜索解法。
Dynamic penalty, frequency list, multi-stage search and configuration pool were used to improve the algorithm. 使用了动态惩罚、频数表、多阶段搜索和优化配置池等方法改进了算法的效率。